Wednesday, March 4, 2009

to seek out new life and new civilizations.

Or lack thereof, as the case may be.

I spent a couple of days this week in the booming metropolis of Fergus Falls, MN. I'll post a link to my photos once they're uploaded, but there were plenty of amusing things on the way that I can share now:

-- Sauk Centre, the boyhood home of Sinclair Lewis

-- Freeport, "the city with a smile," where they have a giant smileyface painted on their water tower. On purpose.

-- The Lake Wobegon Trail. Not being a Scandinavian, Minnesotan Lutheran, I freakin' HATE that show. It annoys me. So I didn't stop. ;-)

-- A Kraft cheese plant (which should be heresy -- only GOOD cheese comes from Wisconsin, even when it's a Minnesota-based company that owns Kraft ;-).

-- The World's Largest Otter and Big Ole, which I'm not going to spoil just yet because I have pictures that deserve snarky commentary. ;-) In the meantime, I'm going to go indulge in a little self-loathing for watching America's Next Top Model. (It's so I have something to talk about with people who are as snarky as I am, honest. Call it research. :-D)

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